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The Ultimate Guide To Getting More Dates With Tinder
Internet dating can suck regardless of the platform; tinder, match, okcupid, etc… I hаvе heard mаnу a mаn ѕау thiѕ line tо me, аnd it’ѕ uѕuаllу thе guys whо hаvеn’t hаd a date in months thаt ѕау it. I understand if уоu аrе gеtting nо love online thеn thе firѕt thing tо blame iѕ thе… Continue Reading …

So You Want To Become A High Performance Vegan
Think all pro-athletes are carnivorous, meat eaters? Think again! Famous athletes you’ve undoubtedly heard of like Atlanta Falcon’s tight end, Tony Gonzalez and pro-bodybuilder, Jimi Sitko have shown the public, their skeptic coaches and trainers that performing at the highest athletic level is not only possible as a vegan, but in some cases more optimal.… Continue Reading …

Job Satisfaction: How To Feel Good About What You Do
Job Satisfaction: How To Feel Good About What You Do In the Beginning So it starts when you have either graduated from college, or are about to graduate. You’ve been doing your career research and come across many websites and articles dedicated to the topic of “Job Satisfaction”. Naturally, you ask yourself ‘what is job… Continue Reading …

Why Do Guys Like Big Boobs?
It seems like a question for the ages. Women ask it of themselves and of men they know all the time. Even we men even find ourselves asking the question sometimes. Why Do Guys Like Big Boobs? I guess to some it hasn’t really even been something they’ve questioned; most guys like big boobs, and… Continue Reading …

Expanding Your Pack: Things To Consider When Getting a Dog
Thinking about getting a dog? Making the decision to get your first puppy is a big deal, but it’s one worth making as it can turn out to be one of the best decisions you ever make. Doing some homework before you choose your furry friend can save you more than a few headaches in… Continue Reading …