#helptacklecancer – Extended Through November!

After initially being scheduled to run from the November 7th to 10th and then another extension to yesterday, I’ve decided to keep the #helptacklecancer fundraiser/giveaway running through the rest of November. It’s picked up a bit of steam and I want to raise as much for cancer research as possible, so I couldn’t just stop it whilst the word continues to spread. And I’m thinking it’s time to add more prizes into the mix….

For those of you who haven’t entered, here’s the official contest page … hop to it and enter! For every entry, 10 cents will be donated to Stand Up To Cancer (an organization where 100% of donations goes to collaborative cancer research). For more on their organization or to donate directly click here.

Every entry is also entered one to win one of five Carie Small Tackle Cancer T-shirts [they’re also available through the merchandising companies she works with…check back here for a link to buy one yourself soon!]

Carie is more than a gorgeous woman who has played football in lingerie to the supreme joy of many. She’s an athlete, a cancer-survivor and a truly motivating and inspirational woman. She inspired this giveaway with her enthusiasm for raising cancer awareness and for her support of the Stand Up To Cancer organization.

So #helptacklecancer and spread the word if you haven’t…Every bit of money raised for cancer research the better, so the more the merrier…enter today! Keep checking the as new prizes are going to be added into the mix as well ( more shirts, some Edible Arrangements, and more! ).


  1. This is really motivational. I lost my father-in-law to Cancer, and he was really close to us. You count me in… going to promote your twitter page on my Twitter. Also, Carrie is a total hottie… salute your courage… you are going to inspire many.

    And thank you for this great website… me and my wife are your regulars now!

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