8 Essential Items to Transform Your Place into a Bachelor Pad

With so many men’s lifestyle websites and magazines, it is becoming more difficult for men to be clueless about what’s hot and what’s not in the world of home furnishings and decor. Let’s say you lucked out and got some help decorating your new apartment with trendy furniture and a stylish paint job, but now you are wondering how to make your swanky pad feel like home.

Here’s a list of the essential items you must have in your apartment or house if you want to make a good impression on your guests. If you are living the much-adored bachelor life – you need to enjoy it while you can. Take this opportunity to be the life of the party and the ladies man, all while being an all star at work and climbing the corporate ladder at record speed. Taking charge of your house and making it a home is an essential part of defining yourself and can be a source of pride, which in-turn can bolster confidence.

In order to have the ultimate bachelor pad, you need to make sure you are equipped with the following items that ensure you are prepared for just about any situation.


1. Ready-to-go playlists – You never know when the after party is going to end up at your pad, so it is always a good idea to have pre-made playlists that are ready to go at the touch of a button. Create a couple different playlists so that you can accommodate any mood. Don’t forget to create a romantic playlist as well, just in case you end up entertaining a lady at the end of the night. You never know what can happen, so it is good to be prepared. Queuing up music without hesitation will definitely keep the after party lively, making your pad the go to place after last call. I’m a big fan of   for this purpose.
beautiful woman opening bar

2. A well stocked bar – Whether you are having a planned get together with friends or an impromptu gathering, you want to make sure that you have plenty of drink offerings for your guests. Switch it up with some fine liquor, a few different wines, as well as a variety of water ans soda for those of your guests who’d rather not consume alcohol for whatever reason. As long as you have a good variety, our guests will be happy and you can count on a party that lasts well into the night. Don’t forget to have plenty of options for the designated drivers in the crowd as well.


3. Good food – Make sure that your fridge is well stocked in addition to your bar. If you have nothing but cheese curls and potato chips, your house guests are going to be looking for the closest fast-food joint before you know it. Nothing makes a house a home like good food. Even if you don’t cook, there are plenty of gourmet markets designed to help guys just like you who want to impress but lack the skills in the kitchen. Stock up on appetizers, finger foods, and gourmet dips and spreads to please the crowd. Make sure you keep some high quality frozen foods for unexpected visitors.


4. Plenty of comfy seating – Even though you think your apartment is complete with your oversized leather recliner, it is a good idea to have some extra seating available to accommodate guests in your home. If you have the space, a nice couch and loveseat set is the way to go. This way you have the right amount of seating for any occasion. Whether you are having friends over to watch the big game or you are hosting a date night at your place with that special someone, you will have the appropriate seating options for everyone to be comfortable.

Couple Watching a Movie


5. Movie Collection – Even if your guests are sitting around talking and not paying attention to what’s on the television, it is always good to have something interesting on the screen. Make sure that your DVD or Blu-Ray collection is complete with critically acclaimed classics like The Godfather or Shawshank Redemption. Good movies are always great conversation starters. Before you know it, you will have a room full of captivated guests who will be asking you to dim the lights and heat up the popcorn. On a side note, if you are going to show off your movie collection, make sure you have a big screen TV and surround sound speakers for people to fully enjoy their experience of the film. Streaming solutions like Netflix, Roku and Apple TV make for space-saving and convenient alternatives as well, but they lack the impressive aesthetic quality of having a large and neatly organized collection of actual discs.


6. Candles and room fresheners – You don’t want people to walk into your house and be greeted with the unpleasant smell of your gym clothes from yesterday’s beastmode workout. You can avoid this awkward situation by making sure you have plenty of strategically placed candles and room fresheners all around your apartment. Stick with light scents that mask odors without overpowering your senses. Naturally, use different scents for different occasions at your discretion.


7. Extra towels and sheets – Sometimes your guests are going to invite themselves to stay the night, whether they are welcome to or not. It’s best to be prepared by having an extra set of towels and sheets in the linen closet. You will be able to offer your guests basic comforts, which they will definitely appreciate and remember. It may create a little more laundry for you, but would you rather have people sleeping directly on your leather couch or using your personal towels?


8. Coffee – Whether you need a strong cup of joe in the morning or late at night after a fun evening at the club, you should have a decent selection of coffee and tea available in your pantry. With machines like the Keurig, it has never been easier to have coffee and tea ready in case anybody wants a fresh cup. Even if you don’t drink coffee or tea regularly, you should make it available to anyone visiting your place. It’s one of those little things that will make your house a home.


By following these tips on how to make your bachelor pad a comfortable place to bring your friends or a date, you’ll soon be the lucky owner of a spot where everybody wants to be. All it takes is a little thought and effort to make sure that you have the needs of all your guests covered whenever they are in your home. Just don’t make it too comfortable, or they might just never want to leave.

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