A Beginner’s Guide To Job Satisfaction

I had initially written this with the target audience being kids who had recently graduated or were just about to graduate; as I was writing it I realized that it didn’t matter what age the reader was….achieving the mental state where job satisfaction is inherent takes the same steps regardless of your age. That’s why I titled this little thing a “Beginner’s Guide” to the topic rather than “a college graduate’s”.

It seems like the days of work being work, such that it was irrelevant if it was enjoyed or not. Having a steady job was mission critical…whether you were happy with it or not was really a question to be asked. Yet, in an age of extreme computerization and hyper-mechanized labor, this generation of college grads (+/- 10 years) wants their work to be something they’re passionate about.

work or play?

Have you ever felt as though you weren’t happy with your current job or your extended career? If you have, I definitely recommend giving this little guide a read. And if you like it, please pass it along!

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